Text Templating Is Rad
This is just a quick post to mention an awesome library. Scriban is a text templating library in C# which you can use to replace text in files to e.g. fill in placeholders in some generic config file. Browsing Scriban's documentation made me realize that its also pretty easy to retrieve secret values (e.g. passwords) from your favorite secrets management (key vault) API. Here's an example class:
public static class TemplateEngine { public static string Render(string templateText, object model) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(model); var template = Template.Parse(templateText); if (template.HasErrors) { var message = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, template.Messages); throw new ArgumentException( $"Could not parse template: {message}"); } var scriptObject = new VaultScriptObject(); scriptObject.Import(model); var context = new TemplateContext { StrictVariables = true, EnableRelaxedMemberAccess = false }; context.PushGlobal(scriptObject); try { return template.Render(context); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ArgumentException( $"Could not render template: {e.Message}"); } } private class VaultScriptObject : ScriptObject { public static string Vault(string secretName) { // Replace this method content with whatever secret management // library you are using var vault = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "super-secret-name", "you, again" } }; return vault[secretName]; } } }
And a test class to highlight some features:
public static class TemplateEngineTests { public static TheoryData<string, object> IncompleteModelData => new() { { "Hello {{ name1 }}", new SomeRecord("you") }, { "Hello {{ content1.name }}", new ContainerRecord(new SomeRecord("you")) }, { "Hello {{ content.name1 }}", new ContainerRecord(new SomeRecord("you")) } }; [Fact] public static void Render_Renders_Valid_Model() { Assert.Equal( "Hello you!", TemplateEngine.Render("Hello {{ name }}!", new SomeRecord("you"))); } [Theory, MemberData(nameof(IncompleteModelData))] public static void Render_Throws_On_Incomplete_Model( string templateText, object model) { Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>( () => TemplateEngine.Render(templateText, model)); } [Fact] public static void Render_Renders_Null_Properties() { Assert.Equal( "Hello !", TemplateEngine.Render("Hello {{ name }}!", new SomeRecord(null))); } [Fact] public static void Render_Resolves_Secret() { Assert.Equal( "Hello you, again!", TemplateEngine.Render( "Hello {{ vault name }}!", new SomeRecord("super-secret-name"))); } [Fact] public static void Render_Resolves_Secret_With_Empty_Model() { Assert.Equal( "Hello you, again!", TemplateEngine.Render( "Hello {{ vault \"super-secret-name\" }}!", new { })); } private record SomeRecord(string? Name); private record ContainerRecord(SomeRecord Content); }